
How to uninstall zorin os
How to uninstall zorin os

how to uninstall zorin os

The only reason someone should use this os is if they don't want all of the challenges of a less polished distro and I can promise you that if you use zorin you will end up having to fix way more issues than you would in a more popular distro.

how to uninstall zorin os how to uninstall zorin os

Also about once a week my computer would just stop working and I had to reboot which no longer happens with Ubuntu. Also they have more applications running in the background than almost any other distribution which absolutely killed my battery life and I didn't notice until I switched to Ubuntu. At the time I was pretty new to linux so I contacted support and asked if there was a way to fix it and they never responded so I just reinstalled it which was no big deal but the support is the main reason why I bought it. First, I spent the extra money for Zorin OS Ultimate which includes "priority support" and a few days after I installed it I ran autoremove and it deleted too much and my computer no longer started up. It is an amazing os, however it has some shortfalls.

How to uninstall zorin os